ࡱ> JLI V"bjbj B0V$?+.%%%%%*******$m,/T**%%*``` %%*`*``%'%8g &*+0?+&c/ c/,''c/'`**?+c/ :  CURRICULUM COMMITTEE MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF JANUARY 12, 2010 3:30 P.M., THE LOFT OF THE GUILLOT UNIVERSITY CENTER The UNA Curriculum Committee met at 3:30 p.m. on Tuesday, January 12, 2010, in the Loft of the Guillot University Center. The following members were present: Dr. Birdie Bailey, Ms. Breann Boughton, Dr. Tim Carter, Dr. Melissa Clark, Dr. Tom Coates, Dr. Bob Garfrerick, Dr. Kerry Gatlin, Dr. Vagn Hansen, Dr. Donna Jacobs, Dr. Ed Joubert, Dr. Janice Myhan, Dr. Lesley Peterson, Dr. Martha Rock, Dr. Jeremy Stafford, Dr. John G. Thornell, Ms. Mandy Wicks, and Dr. Sue J. Wilson. Dr. Anna Lott, Chairperson, presided. Guests included David McCullough, Ron Smith, and Chiong-Yiao Chen. Approval of the Minutes of the Meetings of October 6, October 13, and November 11, 2009 Dr. Stafford moved approval and Dr. Coates seconded the motion. The motion was approved unanimously. Consideration of the recommendations from the Joint Subcommittee on General Education and Distance Learning regarding DL General Education Course Offerings Given that this report centered on a delivery issue rather than a curriculum issue, this was presented as an information item that required no action from the committee. Consideration of the report from the Subcommittee to Make Recommendations for Committee Chair Selection, Make-Up, Deans Vote, Etc. Excerpt from 10-6-09 minutes: Dr. Lott announced that the revised Shared Governance Document, which contained removal of the Curriculum Committee from the shared governance structure, had been approved by 鶹 Cale. Following a brief discussion, Dr. Peterson made a motion and Dr. Rock seconded the motion to appoint a subcommittee consisting of Lesley Peterson, as chair, Anna Lott, Tim Carter, and Vagn Hansen to make recommendations for committee chair selection, committee make-up, deans vote on committee, etc. and to report at the January 2010 meeting. The motion was approved unanimously. Before this item was discussed, Dr. Hansen reported that the Shared Governance Committee has since had second thoughts about its approval of the removal of the Curriculum Committee and Graduate Council from the shared governance structure and is currently reviewing this action. It was pointed out that if approval is granted for bringing those committees back into the shared governance structure, modifications to the approvals process would be needed in order to have curricular matters considered in a timely manner. Given that the current arrangement of removal from the structure is approved, the Committee continued with the deliberation of the subcommittee report. The following actions were taken with regard to the report: Dr. Joubert made a motion and Dr. Rock seconded the motion to restore the word review to #1 within the Charge. The motion was approved unanimously. The statement would read: To initiate, review, and recommend curricular change in courses and programs at the University level. Dr. Rock made a motion and Dr. Peterson seconded the motion to add the words from among the faculty members on the committee to the chair election portion of the Composition. The motion was approved unanimously. The statement would read: The committee will elect a chair and a vice-chair annually, from among the faculty members on the committee. Dr. Rock made a motion and Dr. Stafford seconded the motion to revise Membership as follows: eliminate #6; revise #7 to include the college deans, Library Director, and Dean of Enrollment Services as non-voting members of the committee; and revise #8 to name the Secretary as the Assistant to the VPAA and Provost, since it is a part of the job description for that position. The motion was approved unanimously. The statements would read: 7. The VPAA and Provost, college deans, library director, and Dean of Enrollment Services are non-voting members of this committee. 8. The Secretary (Assistant to the VPAA and Provost) is a non-voting member of this committee. Dr. Peterson made a motion and Dr. Carter seconded the motion to revise the Charge to remove review of student learning outcomes and to have communication of deliberations and findings to flow to the 鶹 and the university community through the VPAA and Provost. The motion was approved unanimously. The statements would read: 2. To conduct periodic review of the undergraduate curriculum. 3. To review the University Catalog for accuracy, clarity, and consistency. 4. To communicate its deliberations, findings, and recommendations to the 鶹 and to the university community through the VPAA and Provost. Dr. Coates made a motion and Dr. Rock seconded the motion to approve the report as amended and forward it to the Shared Governance Committee and 鶹 through the VPAA and Provost. The motion was approved unanimously. Dr. Stafford made a motion and Dr. Coates seconded the motion to communicate to the Shared Governance Committee and 鶹 through the VPAA and Provost the desire for the Curriculum Committee to remain separate from the shared governance structure. The motion was approved unanimously. The committee requested that these actions be shared with the Graduate Council should they wish to consider the same proposals. Consideration of the request from the Department of Music for changes to Option II, Performance Emphasis in Instrumental Music Dr. Carter moved approval and Dr. Coates seconded the motion. The motion was approved unanimously. Dr. Jacobs pointed out that she will make these changes to the State Department document. Consideration of the request from the Department of English for inactivation of EN 101 and EN 102 Dr. Joubert moved approval and Dr. Rock seconded the motion. The motion was approved unanimously. Consideration of the request from the Department of Art for assignment of course numbers AR 461, 462, 463, 464, and 465 to each of the five rotation topics for AR 449 Advanced Digital Media Dr. Coates moved approval and Dr. Carter seconded the motion. The motion was approved unanimously. It was noted that the department requests to retain the special fee assigned to AR 449 for these five courses. This will be presented to the Board of Trustees for approval. February Meeting Because the next meeting of the Committee is scheduled for March 9, which is only three days before an ACHE deadline, the College of Arts and Sciences requested a February meeting to consider curricular matters that will require ACHE approval. Renee Vandiver was asked to survey committee members for a convenient meeting date. Upon motion by Dr. Rock, the meeting adjourned at 4:45 p.m. _____________________________________ Anna Lott, Chairperson 1AEFNWZ^w A D Q d t }tkbYh%~hpaJh%~hV'aJh%~h>`raJh%~hK(aJh%~hFyaJh%~h$aJh%~h>taJh%~h:raJh%~hsaJh%~h>aJh%~h3naJh%~haJh%~h5aJh%~hK(5aJh%~h3n5aJh%~h>t5aJh%~h,`X5aJh%~h,`XaJ"Bxyz   L  `dd[$\$gd>t `dd[$\$gdE:`gdr._gdr._ Hgdr._ H0^`0gdr._   . 0 A V W \ e g h }   ( 8 @ F Z [  L U{ʯܜ倉ulch%~h%aJh%~hg#aJhzh>tCJaJh%~h-aJh%~hE:aJh%~hE:>*aJh%~h>t>*aJh%~hA\aJh%~hsaJh%~hpaJh%~h:hcaJh%~h,`XaJh%~hqaJh%~hK(aJh%~h@aJh%~h>taJh%~h3naJ&{DKcopq?|~EtC:[n ~ !!!!!!дh%~hCaJh%~hm-OaJh%~h-aJh%~h>t5aJh%~h>taJh%~h>t>*aJh%~haaJh%~h%~aJh%~h6aJh%~h%aJ hzaJ h4!RaJh%~hg#aJ5:[n  !"" " "6"T"U"V" `gdr._ `dd[$\$gd- `dd[$\$gd>t!!!"""" 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